This is where we keep our download links for K-charts, Firmware, software etc. The links will take you to our server on Dropbox where we store all large files. Dropbox is a cloud system that provides server storage for companies to store large files. Small files can be sent via an attachment to an email message but large files (typically greater than 10 to 30 meg meg) cannot be sent this way so we upload our large files to the Dropbox cloud and by following the link that Dropbox gives to us for each file that we save on their server, you are able to download the file from Dropbox. This service is completely free to you. Download speed will depend upon your own internet speed.
What you will able to download from this site:
Firmware upgrades , K-chart3.2 downloads, K-chart 2 downloads
Other software for Onwa products under construction
Tips and general stuff about using Onwa products under construction
Apart from providing links to download the files we also provide explanation, guidance, and tips that we feel may help you to complete the download process and also, where a software application may not be completely straightforward to use, some guidance through the process. If you are downloading files and software and you feel that an explanation is needed where it isn't provided or that our explanation could be improved please message me, Alan Vick, either by way of a message on this website or by email to 'Tips and other general stuff' is something we will be developing so if you have any questions regarding using an Onwa product please let me know so that this can be included.
Downloading and installing the files.
Click the link. You will be presented with a .tuf file (for firmware and charts).
Download the file, ignore a warning from the download site stating " Can't load this file type, file type unsupported here" , save to your PC downloads. In your downloads list see the file (note that you cannot open .tuf files as Window and other operating systems will not recognise them).
Copy the file and save to an SD card, up to 16gb is OK. When saved, place into your plotters card reader. Power on the plotter and the update will be recognised before the plotter boots. Accept the upgrade and the file will load into your plotter. When completed switch off and remove the SD card.
NOTE... as at January 2025 use the link below to access Onwa's firmware updates
Click this text to go to Onwa's firmware updates
K-chart version 3.2 downloads.
Warning: K-charts, as with all electronic charting aids, should not be relied upon for safe navigation at sea but be used in conjunction with paper charts issued by approved bodies.
K-chart 3 was introduced in 2018 as K-chart3.1 built in charts to replace K-chart2. The K3.1 charts are generally better for most areas than K-chart2. Unfortunately the size and complexity of the K-chart3.1 produced quite serious lag when used in 7 inch models. KP-38 and KP-39 particularly were slowed to the point where the plotters were difficult to use. K-combo and KP-708 versions with their better hardware were usable and KP1299 models with their very superior hardware and memory were OK. In 2022 there was an improvement in the design of the K-chart to version 3.2. This was in the form of a 'tweak' to the charts which improved the lag across the whole model range although for KP38 and KP39, whilst improved, it is still noticeable.
To activate K-chart3.2 requires a menu change - change map choice to K-shart3. If you have been using an SD card version of K-chart2 then you also must change map source to built in.
Clicking on a link for a chart area will open a page on dropbox , a server company in the US, where we store our very large files. The link will present you with a message:
Can't load this file type, file type unsupported here
Ignore this as it is appearing only because Onwa chart files are .tuf files, your plotter will be able to use them but Windows and other operating systems cannot.
Kchart version 3.2
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