Shakespeare AIS Aerial / Antenna
- Stock:
- Model: 3810
- Weight: 1.00kg
- Dimensions: 100.00cm x 7.00cm x 7.00cm
Best choice for mast mounting. Can be mounted low down but beware that a metre long whip aerial can be vulnerable to damage by crew movement and when deploying ropes. For installation at low level consider our Glomex RA111AIS flexible, stubby aerial. We have sold in excess of 300 of these and heard of only one having suffered damage as a result of a crew member falling heavily across the Glomex.
Connection is to an industry standard SO239 R.F socket and fitting by way of an L type bracket.
We can supply these aerials with or without cable. If cable is supplied it can be to your specified length with either one PL259 end connector fitted or with both ends fitted. Having one end without a connector makes it easier to install though a deck fitting or bulkhead. Without an end fitted requires a 7mm hole for the cable but with the connector on the cable an 18mm hole is needed. The unfitted cable end will be prepared for fitting using a professional co-axial cable cutter so that both the centre conductor and the braid are exactly the right dimensions to fit our high quality PL259 plugs with gold plated centre pin. Simply screw on the PL259 until it is tight and the centre conductor can be seen in the centre tip, then solder the centre tip (we include some low melting point solder in the kit).
Call us on 01357 680054 if you need cable.